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The Freedom Shrine
The Freedom Shrine is an impressive, permanently mounted collection of 30 of the most important and historic American documents, including the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States and the Gettysburg Address. They show our nation's youth the strength and courage of their forefathers by allowing them to read, with their own eyes, the immortal words of inspired Americans who so decisively changed the course of history.
The objective of Exchange is to install a Freedom Shrine in every middle and senior high school in the nation. However, Freedom Shrines can also be found places at Central Texas College, Killeen library, Clements Boys and Girls Club, City Hall, and other public places where they can be studied and admired.
This popular projects involves the distribution of small American flags to youngsters at parades in Killeen.  The flags are absolutely free to the children and can make a great souvenir of the occasion.
The Healing Field
The Killeen Exchange Club erected a Healing Field at the Killeen Civic and Conference Center for the 2004 Memorial Day weekend.  These flags were displayed in memory of soldiers and civilian contractors killed in Iraq from Fort Hood.  This Healing Field was an impressive site of 1,000 full-sized American flags displayed in an outdoor setting.
One Nation Under God
This powerful program not only aims to increase appreciation of our rich religious heritage, but also seeks to remind Americans that we must always trust in a higher power for guidance, protection and strength. The famous words of the program's title are, of course, taken from the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. One Nation Under God Month is observed annually during November.  The first Monday in November, the Killeen Exchange Club hosts a Prayer Breakfast for recognizing “One Nation Under God” month.
Proudly We Hail
No symbol better signifies our nation's greatness than our American flag—the Stars and Stripes. The Proudly We Hail program encourages regular display of the flag by individuals and commercial businesses.  Recipients are honored annually on Flag Day by the Killeen Exchange Club.  
Get out the VOTE
The National Exchange Club developed this project to encourage Americans to "Get Out the Vote." Americans are given the freedom of choice—to choose which candidate to elect or whether to vote at all. An alarming number of citizens are choosing the second option, leaving only a handful of people to decide who will run our country. Through this exciting program, we educate and encourage people not only to register, but also to cast their vote on election day.