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BOOK OF GOLDEN DEEDS AWARD-- A program to honor the good deeds of American usung heroes; recognizing those uncommon men and women, who, if not for this project, might never receive the acclaim they deserve.
More information to follow

The Killeen Exchange Club develops and implements programs which seek to eliminate child abuse and strengthen families.  read more...
One of the most popular Exchange youth projects, the Youth of the Quarter/Year Award recognizes hard-working high school students who attain high levels of scholastic achievement, community involvement and leadership. This proven program not only rewards outstanding young people, but also provides an incentive for other youngsters to strive for equally high levels of achievement.   read more...
The Freedom Shrine is an impressive, permanently mounted collection of 30 of the most important and historic American documents, including the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States and the Gettysburg Address. They show our nation's youth the strength and courage of their forefathers by allowing them to read, with their own eyes, the immortal words of inspired Americans who so decisively changed the course of history.  read more...
Each year, the Killeen Exchange Club recognizes a Police Officer of the Year from Killeen and Harker Heights. We also recognize a Firefighter from both cities each year.  read more...